Australian National University Information
The Australian National University is located in ACT, Australia and was founded in 1946 as a public institution having been proposed by the Australian government It is situated in a campus of around 350 acres in Canberra. The Australian National University ranking is number 1 in Australia, and 43rd in the world. Similarly rated colleges in Oz include University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, University of Queensland, and Monash University.
There are around 8300 undergraduate students and approximately 3700 postgraduate scholars, in addition to the 1400 staff and faculty.

The Australian National University is set in a very green campus and has over ten thousand trees on its campus.The chancellor is Doctor Allan Hawke; it is governed by a fifteen member Council that has entire control and management of the University. It is the most the most research-intensive university in Australia, having seven colleges that combine research with teaching. It is a member of the prestigious group of eight Australian universities.
Australian National University Ranking and Quick Facts
Motto: Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum (First, to know the nature of things).
The Australian National University ranking is currently determined to be the 38th best in the world by the THE.
Australian National University Address, Map, and GPS
North Road
ACT 2601
Decimal Degrees
-35.273941 149.121384
Degrees, Minutes & Seconds
Latitude Longitude
S35 16 26 E149 07 16
S 35 16.436 E 149 07.283