An Overview of University of New Haven Facts
The University of New Haven is a private, coed college institution of higher education that is located in a suburban setting in the city of West Haven, CT. There are currently a total of 6,555 at the University of New Haven. Of these, 4,864 are learning at the undergrad level (74.2%), whilst 1,691 (25.8%) read postgrad courses. At the undergraduate level, 4,407 attend classes full time whereas 457 are there as part timers.
Location wise, 60% are from in-state while 40% are from other parts of the US. There are approximately 7% from foreign countries. 2,407 women attend the University of New Haven, and there are 2,457 men who study at the undergrad, giving a ratio around 51:49.
Ethnically, the UG student body is broken down to 51% Caucasian, 2% of Asian descent, 8% African-American, and 8% Hispanic/Latino.
The college is currently ranked as joint 101st best in the Regional Universities (North) ranking list by the U.S. News College Report.

Cost of University of New Haven Tuition
The costs of tuition for attendance at this academic establishment in 2014 / 2015 are $32,440 for people whether within state or from other states. It is necessary to add a further $13,900 for room and board, $1,300 for required books, and $1,000 for administrative fees. Bringing the overall costs to go to at this university to $48,640 for students.
New Haven provides a needs-based scholarship fund of $54,486,362, and has non-needs funding of $8,590,678 available, a total of $63,077,040 is accessible as funding to their students. Average University of New Haven financial aid received by every scholar is $15,687, and around 97% of students are provided help with their finances.
Student Applications
New Haven is a moderately selective college with acceptance rates of about 74%. Last year 12,000 applied to attend, of which 5,700 were accepted for admittance. Of those receiving admittance letters 1,250 (22%) went on to enroll to the university.
The fees for applying to the academic institution are $25 for undergraduates and $75 for graduates.
University of New Haven SAT Scores and ACT Scores
92% of future students presented SATS scores. The mid scores for reading were 500-599 (46%), 500-599 (43%) for Mathematics, and 500-599 (45%) for writing. The mid-fifty percent percentiles were 480 -570 for reading, 470 – 550 for writing, and 490 – 580 for Mathematics.
22% of students applied with ACT results: mid ranges are 18-23 (46%) for Composite, 18-23 (44%) English, and 24-29 (53%) for Math. The middle 50% percentiles were 20 -26 for Composite, 20 -25 for Mathematics, and 20 – 25 at English.
The most important admission factors for getting into the school are standardized test scores. Other important requirements for entrance include Minority affiliation.
The address to apply for study at the University of New Haven is 300 Boston Post Road West Haven, CT 06516. The telephone number is (203) 932-7319, and the admissions site can be found here.
Academic Study Programs
The school’s most popular degree subjects are Forensic Science, Criminal Justice, Psychology, Firefighting & Homeland Security. Sizes of classes are: less than 20 (42%), 20 – 49 (54%), and 50 and above (4%).
Campus Details
The school has seven campuses, with the main campus located at West Haven. In all, the campuses cover an area of about 122 acres.
Sports teams play at the NCAA DIVISION II level in the Northeast 10 Conference. The sports team is called the Chargers. Men take part in 6 varsity events, women also compete in 6 sporting events, producing a total of 12 varsity events in all.
Number of Faculty
The institution currently employs in the region of 570 full time faculty, and 210 part-time (giving a total of 780). The student:teacher ratio is 16:1.
Graduation Rates
Around 31% of new undergraduates graduate within 4 years, while 45% within 6 years. In the previous year, 1,393 students graduated; they obtained 676 Bachelor’s degrees, and 674 at the postgrad level.
Student Experience
The university campus is self-contained making for a safe feel for students who study at the institution., which is a good thing as the city itself can be a little bit sketchy.
Students have commented that the university has a new dormitory that has a traditional feel, offers suites, and is simply fantastic.
The town itself has long catered for students due to Yale being located in their. This means pretty much everything is available to meet students’ needs including places to eat and socialize, and areas to buy/browse books and get and study related needs catered for.
University of New Haven Address
300 Boston Post Rd,
West Haven
CT 06516
United States
HOW TO DRIVE THERE: University of New Haven, West Haven, CT – GPS COORDINATES
41.296444 -72.959569
Degrees, Minutes & Seconds
Latitude Longitude
N41 17 47 W72 57 34
N 41 17.787 W 72 57.574
Other colleges in Connecticut state include the Wesleyan University, University of Connecticut Health Center, University of Connecticut, Yale University, and Southern Connecticut State University.
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University of New Haven Quick facts
Type: Private
Established: 1920
President: Dr. Steven Kaplan
Cost to attend: $48,640
University of New Haven Ranking: Joint 101st in Regional Universities (North), USNews
Number of Students: 6,555
University of New Haven Website:
Connecticut Colleges List