SISSA Trieste – International School Advance Studies Trieste Information
The Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati is located in Trieste in Italy. It is usually referred to by the abbreviation SISSA, and is known in English as the International School for Advanced Studies. The institution caters for education at the postgraduate level and offers study by both teaching and research.
SISSA is a very select institution taking in only a low number of students per year (less than 50) and offers study mainly in scientific subjects such as Astrophysics, Neuroscience, Matter Theory, Elementary Particle Theory, Mathematical Physics, and Statistical and Biological Physics.
In addition to research carried out in eight core sectors (largely dedicated to maths, physics, astrophysics, biology and neuroscience) SISSA also offers courses such as the masters in science communication.
Although primary focused in leading edge research at the post graduate level, SISSA also has grants for very talented undergraduate students who wish to partake in training at the institution.
The library at SISSA contains around 14,000 books and carries close to 13,000 bound journals.

SISSA Address
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
Via Bonomea,265
34136 Trieste

SISSA – International School Advance Studies Trieste Rankings and Quick Facts
Motto: …ma per seguir virtute e conoscenza. English: …but to follow virtue and knowledge
Known as the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati in Italy and commonly abbreviated to SISSA or SISSA Trieste.
University world Ranking – Jiaotong 500 (China) |
403 to 510
Europe Rank (Jiaotong) |
173 to 208
Faculty / Staff |
Established |
SISSA Location |
Trieste, Italy
Other similar ranked universities in Italy include the University of Florence, Turin University, Polytechnic University of Turin, University of Palermo, University of Rome Tor Vergata, University of Parma, University of Pavia, University of Perugia, and University of Siena.
SISSA; Photograph by ho visto nina volare.