University of Bayreuth Ranking and Address

The University of Bayreuth, Germany is a comparatively young university founded in 1975 as a modern-style campus university focusing on research, innovation and international orientation. The University of Bayreuth ranking is joint 33rd in Germany, and joint 508th in the world. Similarly rated German colleges include Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, University of Rostock, University of Bremen, Technische Universität Braunschweig, and University of Giessen.

Ranked high among German universities, the University of Bayreuth has become the center of attraction for students from different parts of the country as well as overseas.

Currently, around 9,500 students are enrolled into its various programs in the natural sciences, engineering, languages and cultural sciences.

Study and Research at the University of Bayreuth

The School of Mathematics and Physics, the School of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences, the School of Law, Business and Economics, the School of Linguistics and Literature, the School of Cultural Studies, and the School of Engineering Science constitute The University of Bayreuth.

Apart from bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, the University also offers Diplom programs and State Teaching Examination programs alongside other specially designed programs (including international ones) in a variety of fields.

Unlike many German universities, The University of Bayreuth, being a campus university, has all the facilities centralized on one campus which is conveniently located in the South of Bayreuth, within easy reach from the city center. This means, the students do not have to waste time traveling from one classroom to the other and again to the cafeteria.

A high-performance Computer Center, a few well-equipped libraries and a language center contribute to the teaching and research opportunities. All the schools and departments are involved in active research and cooperate with many national and international research institutes and centers.

University of Bayreuth Student Life

The convenient and affordable student accommodation is available right on the campus perimeter as well as in the vicinity. The abundance of year-round leisure activities makes student life fun and a great experience for foreign students in particular.

The University of Bayreuth supports plenty of sport facilities including those for swimming, table tennis, indoor hockey, karate, golf, and even scuba diving and horse riding. The city of Bayreuth itself is a great attraction offering an array of things to see and do. The charming city offers a number of interesting historic sights and a variety of exciting activities for everyone. And, of course, the famous Wagner Opera Festival is one of the biggest attractions of Bayreuth. The neighboring cities of Nurnberg, Bamberg and Coburg are well-worth visiting for a bundle of fresh impressions and unique attractions provided to their guests.

University of Bayreuth Address

Universität Bayreuth
Universitätsstraße 30
D-95447 Bayreuth

University of Bayreuth Logo

University of Bayreuth Logo


University of Bayreuth; German Universities List