University of Bologna Ranking and Address

University of Bologna Information

If you are interested in going to a university that has a large amount of history and tradition, then you are probably going to be extremely excited when you take a look at what the University of Bologna (Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna) can offer. This university is one of the oldest in Europe, having materialised during the dark ages in 1088. It along with many of the other oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe are members of the storied Coimbra Group.

The University of Bologna itself has more than 100,000 students within its borders, easily making it one of the largest universities around in addition to being one of the oldest. The University of Bologna ranking is 89th in Europe. Other colleges and universities in Italy include University of Milan, UNIPD, University of Pisa, and the  Sapienza University.

Since the University of Bologna has been around for over 900 years, it has had a long time to perfect the art of education and when you arrive at the halls of the hallowed university, you can see right away that they know exactly what they are doing. Everything appears to be serene and peaceful and students are given a powerful sense of security from being a part of a university that really does seem like it has been through everything in the time it’s been around.

Study facilities are numerous at the university and they run the gamut from social study areas with beautiful views and easy access to multi-seat areas all the way to mandatory quiet study areas with individual carrels that are separated from each other in cubicle-like fashion.

Courses at the University of Bologna are unusually good. No university has the ability to increase its student body to a six-figure number without having a number of different degrees of world-class excellence and that primarily is why the University of Bologna is so popular; the educational excellence. This combined with recent renovation efforts to some of the university’s oldest buildings has allowed it to become a very attractive option to almost any student interested in studying in Italy.

University of Bologna Address

Università di Bologna
Via Zamboni, 33 – 40126 Bologna – Partita Italy

University of Bologna Logo

University of Bologna Logo

Ranking and Quick Facts

The university is ranked as being between the 226th to 250th best in the world by the THE.

Alma mater studiorum (English: Nourishing mother of the studies.


University of Bologna; List of European Universities.

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