University of Exeter Ranking and Address

University of Exeter Information

The University of Exeter is a public institute of higher learning located in South West England. The University of Exeter ranking number is 10 in the University Review best UK universities list. Similarly ranked colleges include Lancaster University, University of Bath, University of Surrey, and Imperial College London.

Founded in 1922, it is headed by its Chancellor, the Baroness Benjamin, and is composed of three campuses, two of which are in Exeter (St. Luke’s and Streatham), whilst the third, Tremough, is located in Cornwall.

The university’s humble beginnings date back to 1922, years before its official establishment, with the creation of the University College of the South West of England. The university’s creation gave an opportunity for people in Devon, Somerset, Dorset and Cornwall to acquire higher learning without having to travel to other parts of England. The university college changed faces and names throughout the years before finally becoming the University of Exeter in 1955 via a Royal Charter.

The university is divided into six colleges: the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences; College of Humanities; College of Life and Environmental Sciences; College of Social Sciences and International Studies; Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry; and the Business School. These colleges provide a number of classes in different subject areas such as Archaeology, Anthropology, Business, Drama, Dentistry, Economics, Education, English, Finance, Geography, Language Studies, Management, Medicine, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Sport and Health Sciences among others.

The University of Exeter also offers opportunities for distance learning for non-credit bearing courses like modules in British History, Archaeology, Environmental Geology, Film Noir and Art among others.

Exeter offers introductory subjects and English classes for its international students.

As for the university’s endeavors in research, Exeter has several research institutes and centres under its helm. Most of its scholarly endeavors are focused on the fields of Translational Medicine, personalized healthcare and public health, Systems Biology, Migration and identity, Middle Eastern and Islamic studies, Medical History, Genomics, Functional Materials, Extra solar panels, Drama, and Climate Change and sustainable futures.

Some notable institutes under the University of Exeter belt include the Centre for Biblical Studies, the Bio catalysis Center, Exeter Climate Systems, Foreign Language Center, Center for Ecology and Conservation and Center for Water Systems among others.

University of Exeter Address

The University of Exeter is located at:
The Queen’s Drive,
United Kingdom.

University of Exeter Rankings and Quick Facts

This university always ranks highly in the UK university performance tables and is spread across three campuses – two in Devon and one in Cornwall.

University of Exeter ranking
Ranking – Times 400 (UK)
University world Ranking – Jiaotong 500 (China)
305 to 402
UK Rank (Sunday Times)
European Rank (Jiaotong)
124 to 172
University of Exeter Facts
Students (Undergraduates / PG/ Total)
Faculty / Staff
1994 Group, ACU


University of Exeter;