University of Perugia Ranking and Address

University of Perugia Information

Università degli Studi di Perugia, or the University of Perugia, is a state-supported university in Italy. It offers courses to Perugia as well as other cities in region of Umbria. It is also one of the region’s major employers.

The Università di Perugia was established on 8 September 1308 as a studium generale through the “Super specula” Bull issued by Pope Clement V. On 1 August 1318, John XXII issued a Bull which granted the school the privilege to award degrees in canon and civil. On 18 February 1321, it was allowed to confer degrees in arts and medicine.

Emperor Charles IV, on 19 May 1355, issued a Bull which raised the school’s status into an imperial university. In the following centuries, the university underwent several name and administration changes. It also grew larger with its assimilation of smaller schools. With Italy’s unification in 1860, the university came under the jurisdiction of the Town Council and the Rector. Starting 1944, the University of Perugia has enjoyed a good reputation as one of Italy’s leading universities.

The Università di Perugia offers a vast array of degree programmes. The main courses are offered in Terni and Perugia, while specialised courses are offered in various cities of the Umbria region: Spoleto, Orvieto, Foligno, Assisi and Città di Castello.

The Università di Perugia has 11 faculties: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Political Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Natural Science. It also has a number of research programmes and facilities as well as 11 libraries.

A number of popes have graduated from the University including Paul V, Clement VIII, Gregory XIV, Urban VII, Julius II, Pius III, Martin V, Innocent VII, Gregory XI and Nicholas IV. Other notable alumni include Canada’s Governor-General Michaëlle Jean, Monica Bellucci and Pier Paolo Pandolfi.

University of Perugia Address

The University of Perugia is located at the following address:
Università di Perugia,
P.zza Università 1,
Perugia 06100

University of Perugia Rankings and Quick Facts

University of Perugia ranking
University world Ranking – Jiaotong 500 (China)
305 to 402
Europe Rank (Jiaotong)
124 to 172
Università degli Studi di Perugia Facts
Students (Undergraduates / PG/ Total)
Faculty / Staff

Other similar ranked universities in Italy include the University of Palermo, University of Rome Tor Vergata, University of Parma, University of PaviaUniversity of Siena, SISSA, and the University of Cagliari.


University of Perugia;