University of Pretoria Information
For official publications and academic research purposes, the University of Pretoria is normally abbreviated as UP or Pret, although Pretoria is more often being used.
The University of Pretoria South Africa, also known as UP, Tuks, Tukkies or Pretoria, is a multi-campus public research institution located in Pretoria –the administrative and de facto capital of South Africa.
Other good South African Colleges include the University of Cape Town, University of Witwatersrand and the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
It was established in 1908 as the Pretoria campus of the Johannesburg based Transvaal University College; it has grown enormously from its original 32 students in the late Victorian house to approximately 39,000 by 2010. The University of Pretoria is built on six suburban campuses totaling 1120ha (2767acre) of land.
The University of Pretoria, is organized into nine faculties and a business school. It has produced much research output since 1997, considerably more than any other institutions and universities of higher learning in South Africa. According to the data measured by the accreditation benchmark of the Department of Education the university has awarded 15.8% of all the graduate degrees (masters and doctorate) in South Africa.
The University of Pretoria has six main campuses and several other sites of operation, including the Pretoria Academic Hospital. It offers more than 1800 academic programs these are available in the two national languages, English and Afrikaans. However, some modules and major programs are only offered in the English language.
The university has gained numerous awards and achievements in the field of research at both international and local level. These include cooperation and collaboration with science councils, private sectors, NGO’s and foundations. The relatively huge number of graduates that it produces every year – especially postgraduate students such as masters and doctoral students — as well as engineers and scientists contribute directly in enhancing the competitiveness of South Africa. The University of Pretoria focuses on achieving successful innovations that can contribute for both the country and to the other parts of Africa and beyond.
In 2010, a report made by the Centre for Higher Education Transformation had identified UP as the top research intensive university in South Africa and it has maintained its status until the present day. The University of Pretoria is one of the largest institutions and is the leading research university in the country. UP is a member of the CDIO engineering education initiative and international collaboration.
University of Pretoria Address
University of Pretoria
Hatfield, 0028
South Africa
University of Pretoria Logo

University of Pretoria Rankings and Quick Facts
Motto: Ad Destinatum Persequo
University world Ranking – Jiaotong 500 (China) |
403 to 510
African Rank (Jiaotong) |
University of Pretoria Facts
Students (Undergraduates / PG/ Total) |
Faculty / Staff |
4,100 / 38,000
Established |