Oregon Health and Science University Information
Of all the public universities that are located within the state of Oregon, the Oregon Health and Science University is perhaps the youngest. It was established initially in 1974 and was previously known as the University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, but has since broken off from the main wing of the University of Oregon educational system and formed its own path. It is not a very large educational institution and indeed only has around 4,000 students enrolled. Nevertheless, it fills a very important purpose in the educational system of today; the purpose of education in fields related to health science.

The Oregon Health and Science University Ranking is No. 3 for primary care and No. 29 for research in the USNews Graduate school listings.
There are three primary areas of education in which the Oregon Health and Science University is involved. The first one of those areas is the nursing field; a field that is in high demand both in North America and throughout the world. Nurses factor into almost every aspect of medicine, from in-patient care at hospitals to home care to hospice care or anything else you can possibly think of. Nurses have to be well trained however in dealing with patients and a lot of high quality information is imparted to students that go through the nursing program at the Oregon Health and Science University.
In addition to the nursing program, the dental program at the Oregon Health and Science University is also note-worthy because of the innovative way in which the courses are taught. More than one of the courses in the dental stream has a lot of practical knowledge added into it and a lot of the people that graduate from OHSU in dentistry have a greater skill set than the national average.
Finally, there is also the general medical OHSU stream of study; one that is very popular from students both within the state of Oregon and from elsewhere across the country. Medical sciences and health sciences are fields that are difficult to master and part of mastering them comes from having a good teacher to help you along. The teachers themselves are people that can really make a difference in a child’s education and that is why all of the teachers at Oregon Health and Science University are regularly evaluated to make sure that the high standard of education is maintained in all of their classes.
Oregon Health and Science University Address
3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Rd.
Oregon 97239-3098
Other colleges in the state include the University of Oregon, and OSU.
Oregon Health and Science University Logo
Ranking and Quick Rankings Facts
Motto: Where Healing, Teaching and Discovery Come Together
TheOregon Health and Science University Ranking is between the 150th and 200th best university in the world by the ARWU Shanghai.
Other US Colleges by State
Oregon Health and Science University; List of Oregon Colleges.