The University of Wyoming ranking is in the 398 to 413 range in the world on the University Review College Ranking List. It is ranked as the joint 161st best college in the states by the USnews, and the 200th best by Forbes.
Similarly ranked colleges to Wyoming include the University of Central Florida, University of Colorado,Denver, and the University of Connecticut.
Requirements for Admission and Tuition Fees (Quick Facts 2014 / 2015)
The University of Wyoming tuition fees are $4,646 for in-state and $14,876 for out of state students. It is not a very selective college accepting 95.5% of applicants. Financial aid offered totals $44.5 million per year, an average of $9,120 per student.
University of Wyoming SAT Scores and ACT Scores
SAT scores for admission requirements (25th-75th percentile) are Math 490 – 610, and Reading 490 – 600. The total composite SAT Score range for accepted applicants is 980 to 1240.
The requirements for ACT (25th-75th percentile) are Composite 22 – 27, English 21 – 27, and Math 21 – 27.
University of Wyoming Information
The University of Wyoming is a public land-grant university standing high with an elevation of 7,200 feet, in an almost-perfect picturesque scenario on Laramie Plains, in the middle of two mountain land marks, the Larami and Snowy Range.
Known as UW (pronounced “U-Dub”), an endearment often mentioned by people having close affinity to the university, it is the single source of baccalaureate and graduate degree programs, research and outreach assistance in the State of Wyoming.

Offering over 180 fields of study, it sustains the UW/Casper College Center, 9 outreach education sites and Cooperative Extension Service facilities in all of the 23 counties of Wyoming and extending as far as the Wind River Indian Reservation.
The University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY had its early beginnings in September 1886. And after a year of preparation, it opened in September 1887.
Currently, it maintains seven colleges, these are listed as: agriculture, arts and sciences, business, education, engineering, health sciences, and law. It has 86 undergraduate degree programs, 66 master’s degree programs, and 26 doctorate degree programs. It also offers specialized programs in education, professional pharmacy, and juris doctor (law).
Some of its famous alumni from the University of Wyoming include Dick Cheney, former Vice President of the United States and past chairman and CEO of Halliburton Corporation; Thomas Ahlbrandt, World Energy Project Chief for the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver; David Brooks, Director of the Athens 2004 Olympic Torch Relay; Les Brownlee, retired as Acting Secretary of the Army in 2004; Jerry Buss, current majority owner and Chairman of the Los Angeles Lakers; Jerry Calkins, Former Vice President for Medical Affairs at Conjer Inc.; Dean Conger, staff photographer for National Geographic and assistant director of photography; Griffin Corpening, Chief Engineer for the unpiloted X-43A at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center; Melvin Cox, past senior vice president, general counsel, and secretary of Sun Chemical Corporation; and Marcia Dale, UW’s nursing school past dean, and the first Wyoming nurse received as fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.
One of the University’s appealing side is its active cultural life. Considered the heart of cultural activities in Laramie, the university maintains numerous art exhibitions and different variety of concerts and show productions. The university’s cultural centers include the American Heritage Center, Art Museum, Cultural Programs, Fine Arts, International Programs, Music, Libraries, Theatre and Dance, and Wyoming Public Radio.
The University of Wyoming is steered by its current President, Dr. Dick McGinity. It holds its campus in Small City setting of Laramie, Wyoming.
University of Wyoming Address, Maps, & GPS
1000 E University Ave,
Wyoming 82071,
41.31131 -105.582382
Degrees, Minutes & Seconds
Latitude Longitude
N41 18 40 W105 34 56
N 41 18.679 W 105 34.943
University of Wyoming Rankings and Quick Facts
University world Ranking – Jiaotong 500 (China) |
403 to 510
Europe Rank (Jiaotong) |
165 to 197
University of Wyoming Facts
Students (Undergraduates / PG/ Total) |
Faculty / Staff |
580 /1,560
Established |
Endowment |
Endowment per student |
Affiliations |
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